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Barcelona Tavern

If you're a bit lost, start HERE

One of the best part of summer is the parties; birthday and otherwise. One such party brought me to Barcelona Tavern, a Mediterranean tapas and casual dining spot in the heart of downtown. 

501 8 Ave SW, Calgary

This place has never really popped on my radar, my assumption being that it was one of a number of interchangeable tapas places on Stephen Avenue, but I was surprised and delighted by the food. 

One is amazing, the other one is red

The wife and I were here for a massive birthday party, so we went in on these together. We LOVED the Calamari (Avocado Salsa Verdé, Romesco Sauce, Sweet Spanish Onion), but what set this dish apart was the avocado sauce. the red pepper sauce was pretty straight forward, but the avocado had a delightful limey zip to it that really tempered the fried squid of it all.

The only cross sections I care about

The Messi burger (8oz Wagyu & Chorizo, Crisp Spanish Onion, Bacon) we split was amazing. The chorizo really adds a depth the the burger that you can't find in plain beef, and half was more than enough. 

Even though it doesn't resemble my usual haunts, Barcelona Tavern is a pretty safe bet, with something to please everyone in a 20+ birthday party.

I'm headed on a Super Secret Food Trip, so there won't be a post next week, but you can keep up with my exploits on Instagram @tallblondehungryyyc
Happy Eating! 


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